Quick Study: Ugly Apple
Solo Series, No.4This image is part of my Quick Study Series and part of my Quick Study Challenge. Enjoy!
Eggs & Onions
Work In ProgressI seem to be allergic to detail--I refuse to think I'm incompetent--when I hold a paintbrush. Give me a digital stylus or pen and ink and I happily enter the dexterous realm of illustration. But unless the canvas is large enough for rendering detail with a big fat brush my fingers fumble unforgivably. So as much as I'd love this image to be finished, it's still a WIP. Sigh.
Groans emanate from my studio when foreign particulate--dust, cat hair(!), and such--gets in my brush or on my canvas. Depending on how visually fresh or immediate the stroke is dictates the tone of the groan. The higher the impact of retrieval--a greater likelihood of ruining something wonderful--the lower the pitch.
Pickled Ginger
Although I’ve named these paintings “Faux-Rothko . . .,” these actually are not Rothko imitations. I’ve obviously used a formal resemblance, but that’s where it ends.
The Awakening
Happy New Year!An angel to help guide you into the New Year.May your Joy be infectious.May Creativity reign in your life.May Love keep you lightheaded.
"Gala One" is Purchased by the Cinco Banderas Permanent Collection--(Updated)
Friends, as of last Thursday night I have the honor of being a part of the Cinco Banderas Permanent Collection, at the Artel Gallery (@artelPensacola), in Pensacola, FL. Thank you, Artel Gallery!
"The Green Vase" Accepted in to the 24th Annual Cinco Banderas Competition
"The Green Vase" makes a second appearance in the Artel Gallery! This time, the juror David Braly--the nationally recognized artist from Montgomery, AL--voted it into the Twenty-fourth Annual Cinco Banderas Competition. It did not make its way in to the permanent collection; however, the second work I submitted was purchased! You can read about it in tomorrow's post.
Besides tests and studies, I've painted about six airbrush pieces. The first, Aphrodite, was an exciting accomplishment but I didn't spend enough time working out a technical methodology, rather, I painted by the seat of my pants and they always ended up too dark—like the bottom right corner in this canvas. Someday I might fix it. I do, however, like its story-book, illustrative stylization.
Quick Study: Twins
The original painting is the second image down. It was a little dark and lifeless for my taste. So I rescued it in Photoshop with a combination of Selective Color, Curves and Black a& White. I don't know if ethereal describes it . . . spartan, maybe? No pun intended.
Spiral Studies
These are just studies. I'll post more info along with the final piece. Enjoy!
Quick Study: Holy Apple
Solo Series, No.3This image is part of my “Quick Study” challenge.
Quick Study: Red Apple
This image is part of my “Quick Study” challenge. The first thing I do when I walk in the studio is grab a small canvas or board and sketch with paint for ten minutes—like stretching before running. There are no expectations of genius in these, just raw expression. You can learn more background information here. Enjoy!