Quick Study: Ugly Apple
Solo Series, No.4This image is part of my Quick Study Series and part of my Quick Study Challenge. Enjoy!
Groans emanate from my studio when foreign particulate--dust, cat hair(!), and such--gets in my brush or on my canvas. Depending on how visually fresh or immediate the stroke is dictates the tone of the groan. The higher the impact of retrieval--a greater likelihood of ruining something wonderful--the lower the pitch.
Quick Study: Holy Apple
Solo Series, No.3This image is part of my “Quick Study” challenge.
Quick Study: Red Apple
This image is part of my “Quick Study” challenge. The first thing I do when I walk in the studio is grab a small canvas or board and sketch with paint for ten minutes—like stretching before running. There are no expectations of genius in these, just raw expression. You can learn more background information here. Enjoy!