Painting Painting

Eggs & Onions

Work In ProgressI seem to be allergic to detail--I refuse to think I'm incompetent--when I hold a paintbrush. Give me a digital stylus or pen and ink and I happily enter the dexterous realm of illustration. But unless the canvas is large enough for rendering detail with a big fat brush my fingers fumble unforgivably. So as much as I'd love this image to be finished, it's still a WIP. Sigh.

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Painting, Studies Painting, Studies

Quick Study: Square Apples

I’m connected with the most amazing painter on Google Plus, +Lena Levin.She started a couple of challenges: “Chagall Challenge”: making a Chagall-inspired artwork (in any medium, traditional or digital) and posting it on G+ for virtual exhibition in December at +In Studio With The Masters. Any visual artist is invited to participate for a virtual exhibition in December.

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