"Gala One" on Display in the Annual Cinco Banderas Collection Exhibition
Just one year ago I had the honor of my work being added to the Cinco Banderas Permanent Collection, when the Cinco Banderas Foundation purchased my painting Gala One. The collection is now on display in their annual exhibition, through to October 18, 2013, at Artel Gallery.
"Origin" is currently in the “All Things Holy” exhibition at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL.This piece grew out of my digital spiral studies from last October. I'm still working out the best way to photograph my work. Most of them consist of multiple layers of colored glazes, which don't seem to translate satisfactorily in to a digital format. I think an overcast, outdoor photo shoot might produce better results than studio lighting.
Behind the Scenes
"Behind the Scenes" is currently in the “All Things Holy” exhibition at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL.
I Am Orange V
"I Am Orange V" is a piece that is currently in the "All Things Holy" exhibition at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL.
bōs—the sacrifice
"bōs—the sacrifice" is a piece that is currently in the "All Things Holy" exhibition at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL.To my delight, on opening night, in the eyes of the crowd, this little guy became the darling of "All Things Holy".
"I See"
"I See" is a piece that is currently in the "All Things Holy" exhibition at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL.I will post the remaining images in the coming weeks. Until then, a complete list of images can be found on the original announcement post and I will update links as they are posted.
"All Things Holy" - An Art Exhibition, June 4 to July 12, 2013—(Updated)
Award ShowI'm thrilled to invite you all to my first art exhibit: All Things Holy.I was awarded the honor of a solo exhibition when I won Best of Show for "The Green Vase," in September, 2012, at Artel Gallery, Pensacola, FL. Most of the work to be on display has been created since that date.The show runs from June 4 to July 12 in the Award Alcove and coincides with Artel's main juried event: Time.Updated with bio and linked list of images.
Spiegel im Spiegel
Seumas McNally (1979 to 2000)I knew Seumas as a sweet, giggly and brilliant child. He grew into his good nature and genius until, tragically, cancer stole him from us just after his 21st birthday, in 2000.
"Gala One" is Purchased by the Cinco Banderas Permanent Collection--(Updated)
Friends, as of last Thursday night I have the honor of being a part of the Cinco Banderas Permanent Collection, at the Artel Gallery (@artelPensacola), in Pensacola, FL. Thank you, Artel Gallery!
"The Green Vase" Accepted in to the 24th Annual Cinco Banderas Competition
"The Green Vase" makes a second appearance in the Artel Gallery! This time, the juror David Braly--the nationally recognized artist from Montgomery, AL--voted it into the Twenty-fourth Annual Cinco Banderas Competition. It did not make its way in to the permanent collection; however, the second work I submitted was purchased! You can read about it in tomorrow's post.
Art a la Carte
A Lovely Gathering: Thank you Artel Gallery for such an amazing "Art a la Carte" event!—the annual wearable gallery fundraiser.
Best of Show at Artel Gallery
What better way to begin a new blog than with celebratory news.This spring I discovered the Artel Gallery (@artelPensacola), in Pensacola, FL. I saw two amazing shows: the Women's Show and "Art As Social Discourse." After learning that the shows were juried but open to all artists, and although I'd never considered entering a juried show before, I took the plunge and entered their edgy still-life competition, "Fruits, Vegetables and All Things Still."